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Environmental and Earth Systems Science


Official Name of Program

Environmental and Earth Systems Science

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BS - Bachelor of Science



NYSED Program Code

30651 - ENVESC-BS

CIP Code


The EESS Program leads to a Bachelor of Science degree whereas its sister program Earth System Science and Environmental Engineering leads to a Bachelor of Engineering degree (see the Engineering Section of this Bulletin). The two programs share some of the lower and upper division courses, but do not have the same requirements. In the EESS Program, students can choose between concentrations in Environmental Geochemistry, Hydrology/Climate, and Ecosystems/Environmental Science. Flexibility within EESS is achieved by creating a core sequence of essential courses and choosing from a relatively large number of electives. This allows a student to focus on specific career objectives.

Students entering the EESS major will be advised by the EESS general advisors, Associate Professor Pengfei Zhang and Dr. Angelos Lampousis. By year three, students are expected to declare a concentration from the options listed below and create an appropriate program of study from the list of approved Elective Courses.
