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Alumni Association of the City College

The first graduating class of 1853 of the New York Free Academy (as The City College of New York as originally known) organized the Alumni Association to form a community of friends with a shared experience and common goals. In 1913, the Association was incorporated, and is governed by a Board of Directors. At the Annual Meeting held in the spring, dues paying members elect the officers of the corporation who guide the affairs. Officers who are elected annually include the President, three Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and Historian. In addition, thirty-six Directors from the membership-at-large are selected for staggered three-year-terms. Two to three Directors from each of the special interest or affiliate groups, including their respective Presidents, are elected annually for one-year terms. The Board of Directors meets a minimum of four times a year.

The purpose and objectives of the Alumni Association are to advance the interests and welfare of the College, to foster a spirit of fraternity/sorority and good will among graduates, to serve alumni and to offer financial, technical and networking support for today’s students.

Representing special concerns, interests and educational specialties, the Association serves as the umbrella of fifteen affiliate groups including Alumni Varsity, Architecture Alumni, Art Alumni, Asian Alumni, Black Alumni, Center of Workers Education Alumni, Communications Alumni, Education Alumni, Latino Alumni, Political Science Alumni, ROTC Alumni, Science Alumni, Young Alumni, Business/ Economics Alumni, and Engineering School Alumni. The groups are each governed by a voluntary Board of Directors with officers and conduct activities to benefit alumni and today’s students.

In recognition of the growing geographical diversity of alumni, the chartering of Alumni Chapters began after World War II. Fifty dues paying members living in a city outside the New York metropolitan area can secure a charter from the Alumni Association as an official Chapter. Chapters include Washington, D.C.; Palm Beach/South Florida, Gulf Coast of Florida; Northern California; Southern California; Northern Nevada; Houston, Texas; Northern New Jersey and Connecticut.