College of Liberal Arts and Science - First and Second Semester Grading
All grades of F submitted by an instructor for first- and second-semester freshmen in selected College of Liberal Arts and Science (CLAS) courses determined by each department will be converted to NC by the Registrar. An NC will count towards determining the number of limited repeats students are allowed for each course. The grade of WU will remain on the student’s record. If a grade of INC is not resolved, it will convert to FIN, and remain on the student’s record. Note that the Pathways English Composition portion of FIQWS are not eligible for this policy.
For the purpose of the conversion of an earned F to the NC grade, a first-semester freshman is defined as a student who is:
a full-time student in his or her first semester at City College with fewer than 12 credits from any institution of higher learning; AP and College Now credits do not count in this tally. For first-time fall semester entrants who attended the Summer Session immediately preceding their entry, an NC will cover all F grades submitted by an instructor both for that Summer Session and the immediately following Fall semester. Early College students with 12 or less credits will also be considered first-semester freshmen; or
a part-time student in which his or her first 12 credits are attempted at City College, and who has fewer than 12 credits from any institution of higher learning; AP and College Now credits do not count in this tally. A second semester freshmen for this policy is defined as: a full-time or part-time student who has completed at least 12 credits of courses at City College, but has less than 24 completed credits at City College.
Students should be aware that a freshman must earn at least 6 credits in the first semester with an overall GPA of 1.5 and at least 15 credits by the end of the second semester with an overall GPA of 1.8 or their financial aid may be affected.
First and Second Semester Grading List
Courses | ||
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
ANTH 10100 | Introduction to Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 10104 | General Anthropology | 4 |
ANTH 20000 | Archaeology | 3 |
ANTH 20100 | Cross-Cultural Perspectives | 3 |
ANTH 20200 | Language in Cross-Cultural Perspective | 3 |
ANTH 20300 | Human Origins | 3 |
ARAB 12300 | Introductory Arabic I | 3 |
ART 10000 | Introduction to the Visual Arts of the World | 3 |
ART 10004 |
ART 10100 | 2-Dimensional Design | 3 |
ASIA 10100 | Asian Cultures and Peoples | 3 |
ASIA 10200 | Asian Literature in English Translation | 3 |
ASIA 20100 | Asians in America | 3 |
ASIA 20200 | Contemporary Asia | 3 |
BENG 19300 | Bengali for Heritage Speakers and Listeners I | 3 |
BIO 10000 | Biology: The Strategy of Life | 3 |
BIO 10100 | Biological Foundations I | 4 |
BIO 10200 | Biological Foundations II | 4 |
BIO 10004 | Human Biology | 3 |
BIO 10050-10099 | Special Topics in Biology for Freshman & Non-Science Majors | 3-4 |
BIO 20600 | Introduction to Genetics | 4 |
BIO 20700 | Organismic Biology | 4 |
BIO 22800 | Ecology and Evolution | 4 |
BIO 22900 | Cell and Molecular Biology | 4 |
BIO 24700 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 |
BIO 24800 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 3 |
CHEM 10301 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM 10401 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
CHIN 12300 | Introductory Chinese (Mandarin) I | 3 |
CLSS 12100 | Greek and Latin Roots in the English Language | 3 |
EAS 10000 | The Dynamic Earth | 3 |
EAS 10100 | The Atmosphere | 3 |
EAS 10300 | Environmental Geology | 3 |
EAS 10400 | Perspectives on Global Warming | 3 |
EAS 10600 | Earth Systems Science | 4 |
ECO 10150 | Principles of Management | 3 |
ECO 10250 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECO 10350 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECO 10400 | Introduction to Quantitative Economics | 3 |
ECO 19150 | Honors Introduction to Economics | 3 |
ENGL 11000 | Freshman Composition | 3 |
ENGL 15500 | American Literature | 3 |
ENGL 21001 | Writing for the Humanities and Arts | 3 |
ENGL 21002 | Writing for the Social Sciences | 3 |
ENGL 21003 | Writing for the Sciences | 3 |
ENGL 21007 | Writing for Engineering | 3 |
ENGL 21200 | Introduction to Language Studies | 3 |
ENGL 22000 | Introductory Workshop in Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGL 23000 | Writing Workshop in Prose | 3 |
ENGL 25000 | Intro Literary Study | 3 |
ENGL 25100-25400 | Historical Survey of British Literature | 3 |
ENGL 26000-26900 | Studies in Genre | 3 |
ENGL 27000-27010 | Literatures of Diversity | 3 |
ENGL 28000 | Introduction to Comparative Literature | 3 |
FIQWS | Freshman Inquiry Writing Seminar | 6 |
FREN 12300 | Introductory French I | 3 |
GERM 12300 | Introductory German I | 3 |
GRK 12100 | Elementary Greek | 3 |
CLSS 12100 | Greek and Latin Roots in the English Language | 3 |
HEB 12300 | Introductory Hebrew I | 3 |
CHEM 11000 | Exploring Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 10301 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM 10401 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
FIQWS 10003 | WCGI History & Culture | 6 |
FIQWS 10005 | WCGI Literature | 3 |
FIQWS 10008 | Individual & Society | 3 |
FIQWS 10011 | Scientific World | 6 |
FIQWS 10013 | Creative Expression | 3 |
FIQWS 10015 | US Experience | 3 |
FIQWS 10045 | Philosophy | 6 |
FIQWS 10103 | Composition for WCGI History & Culture | 3 |
FIQWS 10105 | Composition for WCGI Literature | 3 |
FIQWS 10108 | Composition of Individual & Society | 3 |
FIQWS 10111 | Composition for Scientific World | 3 |
FIQWS 10113 | Composition for Creative Expression | 3 |
FIQWS 10115 | Composition for US Experience | 3 |
HIST 20100 | The Ancient World: The Near East and Greece | 3 |
HIST 20200 | The Ancient World: Rome | 3 |
HIST 20400 | Early-Modern Europe | 3 |
HIST 20600 | Modern Europe | 3 |
HIST 21300 | The Historian's Craft | 3 |
HIST 24000 | The United States: From Its Origins to 1877 | 3 |
HIST 24100 | The United States: Since 1865 | 3 |
HIST 25100 | Traditional China | 3 |
HIST 25300 | Modern China | 3 |
HIST 25400 | Traditional Japan | 3 |
HIST 25500 | Modern Japan | 3 |
HIST 26200 | The Middle East Under Islam | 3 |
HIST 26300 | Traditional Civilization of India | 3 |
HIST 26400 | Modern India | 3 |
HIST 27600 | Africa And The Modern World | 3 |
HIST 27700 | Africa Since Independence | 3 |
HIST 28000 | Latin America in World History | 3 |
HIST 28100 | Colonial Latin America | 3 |
HIST 28200 | Modern and Contemporary Latin America | 3 |
IAS 10000 | Lit-Art & Hum Exp 1 | 4 |
HNDI 12300 | Introductory Hindi I | 3 |
IAS 10100 | Lit-Art & Hum Exp 2 | 4 |
IAS 10300 | Interdisciplinary Global Studies | 4 |
IAS 10400 | Nature & Humans 1 | 4 |
IAS 10500 | Nature & Humans 2 | 4 |
INTL 20100 | International Studies: A Global Perspective | 3 |
ITAL 12300 | Introductory Italian I | 3 |
JAP 12300 | Introductory Japanese I | 3 |
LAT 12100 |
LIB 10000 | Research in the Digital Age: Media & Information Literacy | 3 |
MATH 15000 | Mathematics for the Contemporary World | 3 |
MATH 17300 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 4 |
MATH 18000 | Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
MATH 18504 | Basic Ideas in Mathematics | 4 |
MATH 19000 | College Algebra and Trigonometry | 3 |
FIQWS 10145 | Composition for Philosophy | 3 |
MATH 19500 | Precalculus | 3 |
MATH 20100 | Calculus I | 4 |
MATH 20500 | Elements of Calculus | 4 |
MCA 10100 | Introduction to Media Studies | 3 |
MCA 10500 | Introduction to Media Production | 3 |
MUS 10100 | Introduction to Music | 3 |
MUS 10200 | Introduction to World Music | 3 |
MCA 12100 | Introduction to Film Studies | 3 |
MUS 13100 | Music Theory Fundamentals | 3 |
MUS 14500 | Introduction to Jazz | 3 |
MUS 16100 | Aural Fundamentals | 2 |
PHIL 10200 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 20100 | Logical Reasoning | 3 |
PHIL 20200 | Introduction to Logic | 3 |
PHYS 20300 | General Physics I | 4 |
PHYS 20400 | General Physics II | 4 |
PHYS 20700 | University Physics I | 4 |
PHYS 20800 | University Physics II | 4 |
PORT 12300 | Introductory Portuguese I | 3 |
PSC 12504 | Introduction to Public Policy | 4 |
PSY 10101 | Psychology for Freshman Honors Students | 3 |
PSY 10200 | Applications of Psychology in the Modern World | 3 |
PSY 21500 | Applied Statistics | 4 |
PSY 22600 | Introduction to Life-Span Development | 3 |
PHIL 34905 | Biomedical Ethics | 3 |
PSY 24600 | Introduction to Human Development: Infancy and Childhood | 3 |
PSY 24700 | Social Psychology | 3 |
PSY 24900 | Psychology of Personality | 3 |
PSY 25300 | Cognitive Psychology: Thinking, Knowing and Remembering | 3 |
PSY 25400 | Brain, Mind and Experience | 3 |
SOC 10500 | Individual, Group and Society: An Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SPAN 12104 | Intro Spanish 1 | 4 |
SPAN 12204 | Intro Spanish II | 4 |
SPAN 12300 | Introductory Spanish I | 3 |
SPAN 19300 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Listeners I | 3 |
SPCH 11104 | Speech Foundations | 4 |
USSO 10100 | Development of the U.S. and its People | 3 |
WCIV 10100 | Prehistory to 1500 A.D. | 3 |
WCIV 10200 | 1500 A.D. to the Present. | 3 |
WHUM 10100 | World Humanities I | 3 |
WHUM 10200 | World Humanities | 3 |
WHUM 10312 | Modern World Lit | 3 |
WHUM 10101 | Literature in the Human Experience | 3 |
WHUM 10201 | World Humanities II: Enlightenment to Present (Honors) |
WHUM 10312 | Modern World Lit | 3 |
WS 10000 | Women's/Gender Roles in Contemporary Society | 3 |
WS 10004 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | 4 |
YID 12300 | Introductory Yiddish I | 3 |
Hist 20604: Honors