Pathways Common Core Courses
English Composition (EC)
ART 21000 | Writing About Art | 3 |
ENGL 11000 | Freshman Composition | 3 |
ENGL 21001 | Writing for the Humanities and Arts | 3 |
ENGL 21002 | Writing for the Social Sciences | 3 |
ENGL 21003 | Writing for the Sciences | 3 |
ENGL 21007 | Writing for Engineering | 3 |
ENGL 25000 | Intro Literary Study | 3 |
| ||
FIQWS 10103 | Composition for WCGI History & Culture | 3 |
AND | ||
FIQWS 10105 | Composition for WCGI Literature | 3 |
| ||
FIQWS 10108 | Composition of Individual & Society | 3 |
FIQWS 10111 | Composition for Scientific World | 3 |
FIQWS 10113 | Composition for Creative Expression | 3 |
FIQWS 10115 | Composition for US Experience | 3 |
FIQWS 10145 | Composition for Philosophy | 3 |
IAS 10000 | Lit-Art & Hum Exp 1 | 4 |
IAS 10100 | Lit-Art & Hum Exp 2 | 4 |
MUS 21000 | Writing About Music | 3 |
IAS 10000, IAS 10100: IAS students only
Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (MQR)
CSC 10800 | Foundations of Data Science | 3 |
ECO 20150 | Principles of Statistics | 4 |
ECO 29000 | Principles of Statistics | 4 |
FQUAN 10050 | Freshman Quantitative Analysis | 3 |
MATH 15000 | Mathematics for the Contemporary World | 3 |
MATH 17300 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 4 |
MATH 18000 | Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
MATH 18500 | Basic Ideas in Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 19000 | College Algebra and Trigonometry | 3 |
MATH 19500 | Precalculus | 3 |
MATH 20100 | Calculus I | 4 |
MATH 21200 | Calculus II with Introduction to Multivariable Functions | 4 |
MATH 21300 | Calculus III with Vector Analysis | 4 |
MATH 20500 | Elements of Calculus | 4 |
MATH 20900 | Elements of Calculus and Statistics | 4 |
PSY 21500 | Applied Statistics | 4 |
SOC 23100 | Sociological Statistics | 3 |
Life and Physical Sciences (LPS)
BIO 10004 | Human Biology | 3 |
BIO 20700 | Organismic Biology | 4 |
BIO 22800 | Ecology and Evolution | 4 |
CHEM 11000 | Exploring Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 21000 | Applied Chemistry for Biomedical Engineers | 3 |
EAS 10400 | Persp Global Warming | 3 |
EAS 21300 | Engineering Geology | 3 |
PSY 32600 | Human Neuroanatomy | 3 |
PHYS 21900 | Physics for Architecture Students | 4 |
Life and Physical Sciences and Scientific World (LPS, SW) - counts only as one or the other
BIO 10100 | Biological Foundations I | 4 |
BIO 10200 | Biological Foundations II | 4 |
CHEM 10301 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM 10401 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
EAS 10600 | Earth Systems Science | 4 |
EAS 22700 | Structural Geology | 4 |
IAS 10400 | Nature & Humans 1 | 4 |
IAS 10500 | Nature & Humans 2 | 4 |
PHYS 20400 | General Physics | |
PHYS 20700 | University Physics I | 4 |
PHYS 20800 | University Physics II | 4 |
SCI 12400 | Principles of Physical Science | 3 |
SCI 12500 | Principles of Life Science | 4 |
SCI 12600 | Principles of Env Sci | 3 |
SCI 10101 | The Physical Universe | 4 |
IAS 10400, IAS 10500: IAS Students only
SCI 10101: (Honors students only)
Scientific World (SW)
ANTH 20300 | Human Origins | 3 |
ASTR 30500 | Methods in Astronomy | 3 |
BIO 20600 | Introduction to Genetics | 4 |
BIO 22900 | Cell and Molecular Biology | 4 |
CHEM 26100 | Organic Chemistry I | 3 |
EAS 10000 | The Dynamic Earth | 3 |
EAS 10100 | The Atmosphere | 3 |
EAS 10300 | Environmental Geology | 3 |
FIQWS 10011 | Scientific World | 6 |
MHC 20301 | Science & Tech NYC | 3 |
SCI 10001 | Man and Nature: Life (Honors) | 4 |
SCI 10101 | The Physical Universe | 4 |
PSY 25400 | Mind, Brain, Experience | 3 |
MHC 20301, SCI 10101: Honors students only
SCI 10001: Honors
Creative Expression (CE)
AES 20000 | Intro to Building Architecture | 3 |
AES 23202 | Survey of World Architecture I | 3 |
AES 24202 | Survey of World Architecture II | 3 |
AES 20000 | Introduction to Building Architecture | 3 |
AES 29903 | Introduction to Landscape Architecture | 3 |
ART 10000 | Introduction to the Visual Arts of the World | 3 |
ART 10001 | Introduction To Art For Honors Students | 3 |
ART 29104 | Women In World Art | 4 |
ENGL 22000 | Introductory Workshop In Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGL 23000 | Writing Workshop In Prose | 3 |
ENGL 25100 | Historical Survey of British Literature | 3 |
FIQWS 10013 | Creative Expression | 3 |
MHC 10101 | The Arts In NYC | 3 |
MUS 10000 | Popular Music | 3 |
MUS 10100 | Introduction to Music | 3 |
MUS 10101 | Intro To Music Honors | 3 |
MUS 10200 | Introduction to World Music | 3 |
MUS 10201 | Introduction to World Music (Honors) | 3 |
MUS 14500 | Introduction to Jazz | 3 |
MUS 14501 | Introduction to Jazz (Honors) | 3 |
PHIL 14300 | What is Art? | 3 |
THTR 13100 | Introduction to Theatre Arts | 3 |
URB 20100 | Introduction to Urban Studies | 3 |
ART 10001, MUS 10101, MUS 10201, MUS 14501: Honors students only
ART 29104: IAS students only
MHC 10101: Honors
Individual and Society (IS)
ANTH 20100 | Cross-Cultural Perspectives | 3 |
ECO 10250 | Prin Microeconomics | 3 |
ECO 19150 | Honors Introduction to Economics | 3 |
EDCE 25600 | Lang-Mind-Society | 3 |
ENGL 21200 | Introduction to Language Studies | 3 |
ENGL 27000 | Literatures of Diversity | 3 |
FIQWS 10008 | Individual & Society | 3 |
IAS 12200 | ||
JWST 10411 | Psychology of Religion | 3 |
JWST 10500 | Intro Jew Law & Ethics | 3 |
JWST 28100 | The Holocaust | 3 |
LIB 10000 | Research in the Digital Age: Media & Information Literacy | 3 |
MHC 20401 | Shaping Future NYC | 3 |
PHIL 14400 | Environmental Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 14500 | Ethics in Business | 3 |
PHIL 14600 | Justice | 3 |
PHIL 14700 | Personal Morality | 3 |
PHIL 14800 | Persons and Machines | 3 |
PHIL 14900 | Science, Technology, and Society | 3 |
PSY 10101 | Psychology for Freshman Honors Students | 3 |
PSY 10200 | Applications of Psychology in the Modern World | 3 |
SOC 10500 | Individual, Group and Society: An Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOC 10501 | Introductory Sociology For Freshman Honors Students | 3 |
WS 10000 | Women's/Gender Roles in Contemporary Society | 3 |
IAS 12200: (31292)
ECO 19150, MHC 20401, PSY 10101, SOC 10501: Honors students only
IAS 12200 (31292), SOC 38144: IAS Students only
U.S. Experience in its Diversity (USED)
AES 21200 | The Built Environment of New York City | 3 |
BLST 10100 | African Heritage and the Afro-American Experience | 3 |
ENGL 15500 | American Literature | 3 |
FIQWS 10015 | US Experience | 3 |
HIST 24000 | The United States: From Its Origins to 1877 | 3 |
HIST 24100 | The United States: Since 1865 | 3 |
MHC 10201 | The Peopling Of NYC | 3 |
PSY 34700 | Psychology of Prejudice and Racism | 3 |
PSC 10104 | U S Politics & Govt | 4 |
PHIL 14200 | Race, Gender, and Philosophy | 3 |
PSY 34700 | Psychology of Prejudice and Racism | 3 |
USSO 10100 | Development of the U.S. and its People | 3 |
USSO 10101 | Development of the U.S. and its People | 3 |
MHC 10201, PSC 10101, USSO 10101: Honors students only.
HIST 12404, PSC 10104: IAS students only.
World Cultures and Global Issues (WCGI) - History and Culture
ANTH 10100 | General Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 20000 | Archaeology | 3 |
ASIA 10100 | Asian Cultures and Peoples | 3 |
ASIA 20200 | Contemporary Asia | 3 |
ASIA 20500 | Contemporary China | 3 |
CLSS 32100 | Classical Mythology | 3 |
FIQWS 10003 | WCGI History & Culture | 6 |
BLST 10200 | African Heritage and the Caribbean-Brazilian Experience | 3 |
HIST 20400 | Early-Modern Europe | 3 |
HIST 20600 | Modern Europe | 3 |
HIST 23700 | Asia and the World | 3 |
HIST 23800 | The Middle East in Global History | 3 |
HIST 27600/BLST 31201 | Africa And The Modern World | 3 |
INTL 10100 | Introduction to International and Global Studies | 3 |
PHIL 14100 | Asian Philosophy | 3 |
URB 20020 | The City in History | 3 |
WCIV 10100 | Prehistory to 1500 A.D. | 3 |
WCIV 10101 | World Civilizations | 3 |
WCIV 10200 | 1500 A.D. to the Present. | 3 |
WCIV 10201 | World Civilizations II: 1500AD to Present | 3 |
WCIV 10101, WCIV 10201: Honors Students Only
World Cultures and Global Issues (WCGI) - Literature
FIQWS 10005 | WCGI Literature | 3 |
FREN 28300 | The Literature of Contemporary France | 3 |
JWST 11700 | The Bible as Literature | 3 |
LALS 10100 | The Heritage of the Spanish Antilles | 3 |
SPAN 12104 | Intro Spanish 1 | 4 |
SPAN 12204 | Intro Spanish II | 4 |
SPAN 28100 | Masterworks of Spanish Literature I | 3 |
SPAN 28300 | Masterworks of Latin American Literature | 3 |
THTR 21100 | Theatre History I | 3 |
THTR 21200 | Theatre History II | 3 |
THTR 21300 | Theatre History III | 3 |
WHUM 10100 | World Humanities I | 3 |
WHUM 10101 | Literature in the Human Experience | 3 |
WHUM 10200 | World Humanities | 3 |
WHUM 10201 | World Humanities II: Enlightenment to Present (Honors) | |
WHUM 10312 | Modern World Lit | 3 |
WHUM 10321 | Modern World Literature (Global English Literature, Honors) |
JWST 11700: (31602)
SPAN 12104, SPAN 12204: IAS students only
WHUM 10101, WHUM 10201, WHUM 10321: Honors Students Only