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General Education Requirements (Pathways)

In order to graduate, all students are required to complete the following:

  1. General Education Requirements

  2. Major-field courses

  3. Free-elective courses

General Education Requirements (Pathways)

All students entering City College, whether as freshmen or transfers, in Fall 2013 and later must meet Pathways General Education requirements to qualify for a degree. 

Pathways General Education Requirements at City College consist of:

I. The Common Core (30 credits)

A. Required (Fixed) Common Core (12 credits / 4 courses)

  1. English Composition (2 courses)

    English Composition 1

    English Composition 2

  2. Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (1 course)

  3. Life and Physical Sciences (1 course)

B. Flexible Common Core (18 credits / 6 courses)

Students will complete at least one course in each of the five Flexible Core areas and an additional sixth course in one of them. Students can complete no more than two courses from any one discipline or interdisciplinary field.

Flexible core areas are:

  1. World Cultures and Global Issues

  2. U.S. Experience in Its Diversity

  3. Creative Expression

  4. Individual and Society

  5. Scientific World

Once a student has met a Common Core area requirement at one CUNY college, that requirement will be met at any other CUNY college. Transfer students from institutions other than CUNY will have their transcripts evaluated and will be given credit for General Education courses taken at the previous institution as appropriate.

II. Additional City College Requirements (College Option, 12 credits)

These requirements vary depending on the degree being pursued. See section 1.B. for more details. Transfer students need to take 6 to 12 College Option credits depending on how many credits they have at the time of transfer. See section 1.C. for more details.