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Liberal Arts Core Requirement

All candidates in the School of Education are required to complete a Core of liberal arts courses. Credit is given only for courses completed with a grade of "C" or better. Candidates planning to specialize in secondary education generally choose a major in the liberal arts, and fulfill the Core requirements appropriate to that major.

For childhood and bilingual childhood education majors the Core requirements are outlined below. Early Childhood Education majors should refer to the Department of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences section of this Bulletin. For further information on Core requirements, candidates should consult their academic advisors. All courses that are offered by specific departments within the College of Liberal Arts and Science are described in this Bulletin.

The following Core courses are required for childhood education and bilingual childhood education (B.S.Ed.) majors. Note that not all Pathways courses meet New York State Department of Education requirements for certification. Candidates should see an advisor for more information.

Liberal Arts Core Requirement

Required Core (12)

English Composition FIQWS 

(6 crs: 3 crs English composition + 3 crs toward Flexible Core) 3 (+3) credits 

English Composition 

3 credits 

Math & Quantitative Reasoning 

3 credits 

Life & Physical Sciences 

3 credits 

Flexible Core (18)

World Cultures & Global Issues 

3 credits 

World Cultures & Global Issues 

3 credits 

U.S. Experience in Its Diversity 

3 credits 

Creative Expression 

3 credits 

Individual and Society 

3 credits 

Scientific World 

3 credits 

College Option (12)

SPCH 11100

Foundations of Speech Communication


EDCE 20000

Inquiry in Education


EDCE 20600

Observing Children and Their Development



EDUC 22100

Urban Schools in a Diverse American Society



EDUC 22200

Schl Amer Soc Blng


SPCH 11100: The Speech Examination is a College requirement. Students in the School of Education meet this requirement by taking SPCH 11100 or passing an exemption examination.

EDUC 22200: Bilingual Childhood Education Majors Only

Modern Language

Competence in a second language is required of B.S.Ed. degree candidates. The sequence is designed to give candidates oral competency in the language and also to familiarize them with the diversity within the New York City student population.

Candidates who have had three years of a foreign language in high school will meet the language requirement. When less than three years were taken in high school, candidates are required to take additional coursework at the college. Candidates who have a satisfactory speaking knowledge of a second language may be exempted from these courses by passing an oral competency test given each semester by the Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures. Candidates may apply for the test in NA 5/223.

Candidates for the B.S.Ed. degree in Childhood Education must successfully complete three years of a language other than English in high school or two semesters in college: SPAN 19300 and/or 19400 (Heritage Speakers); SPAN 12300 AND 12400 (Non-Heritage Speakers); or equivalent courses in another language.

Candidates for the B.S.Ed. degree in Bilingual Childhood Education must successfully complete a 300-level language course (SPAN 32100, 32200, or 37300, or equivalent course in another language).  Depending on the results of their placement exam, some candidates may need foundation courses:  SPAN 19300 and/or 19400 (Heritage Speakers); SPAN 12300, 12400 or 22600 (Non-Heritage Speakers); or equivalent courses in another language before they enroll in the required 300-level course.