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Gateway Courses into Majors (Pathways)

Although complete major requirements vary in most cases from one CUNY college to another, faculty committees have designated a minimum of three "gateway" courses leading into several of CUNY's most popular majors. Students who anticipate pursuing one of these majors can take the designated courses and will be able to transfer them for major credit seamlessly between CUNY colleges that offer the major. The list of participating majors and gateway courses appears below. For more information on Pathways please go to


Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Introductory Majors Biology (Molecular and Cellular Biology)

BIO 10100

Biological Foundations I

Introductory Majors Biology (Organismic Biology)

BIO 10200

Biological Foundations II

General Chemistry I

CHEM 10301

General Chemistry I

General Chemistry II

CHEM 10401

General Chemistry II


MATH 19500


*CUNY colleges differ in the sequencing of their two Introductory Biology courses. A faculty committee outlined topics to be covered in each course. One course will cover Cellular and Molecular Biology, while the other course will cover Organismic Biology. The order in which the sequence is offered is to be left to the discretion of each college.


Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECO 10350

Principles of Macroeconomics

Introduction to Microeconomics

ECO 10250

Principles of Microeconomics

Introductory Statistics

ECO 20150

Principles of Statistics


Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

English Composition

FIQWS 10103FIQWS 10105FIQWS 10108FIQWS 10111FIQWS 10113FIQWS 10115FIQWS 10145

Freshman Inquiry Writing Seminars

ENGL 11000

Freshman Composition

Introduction to Literature

WHUM 10100WHUM 10101, WHUM 10300

World Humanities

Introduction to Literary Studies

ENGL 25000

Introduction to Literary Study

*“Introduction to Literature” includes three options, of which each college would adopt only one: “Introduction to World Literature,” “Introduction to Writing about Literature,” or “Introduction to English, American, or Anglophone Literature.”


Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Introduction to Psychology

PSY 10200PSY 10299

Applications of Psychology in the Modern World

PSY 10101

Psychology for Freshmen Honors Students

Abnormal Psychology

PSY 34800

Abnormal Psychology

Personality Psychology

PSY 24600

Introduction to Human Development: Infancy and Childhood

Lifespan Development

PSY 22600

Introduction to Life-Span Development

*The Psychology major committee recommended the following: “Introduction to Psychology;” either “Abnormal Psychology” or “Personality Psychology;” either “Child Development” or “Lifespan Development.” The committee noted that some colleges offer both “Abnormal Psychology” and “Personality Psychology,” and some colleges offer both “Child Development” and “Lifespan Development.” In these cases a college may accept both courses toward the major.

Political Science

Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Introduction to American Government

PSC 10100

U.S. Politics and Government

Introduction to Political Science


Urban Politics

PSC 21000

Urban Politics

Global Issues/Issues in International Relations

PSC 25000

Contemporary International Relations

*Each college with a Political Science major will offer at least three of these courses and will accept any of these four courses for credit toward major requirements.


Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Introduction to Sociology

SOC 10500 (SOC 10501)

Individual, Group and Society: An Introduction to Sociology

(Introductory Sociology For Freshman Honors Student)

Social Institutions

SOC 23700

Foundations of Sociological Theory

Social Institutions

SOC 25400

Sociology Problems

Social Inequality

Social Inequality

*The Sociology major committee identified three areas: “Introduction to Sociology,” “Social Institutions,” and “Social Inequality.” Each college with a Sociology major will offer either one course in each of the three areas, or will offer two courses in one area and one course in another area. No more than one course may be placed in the Introduction to Sociology area.

Teacher Education

Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Social Foundations of Education

EDUC 22100

Urban Schools in a Diverse American Society

EDCE 22200

The school in American Society: Bilingual Education in the Urban School

Psychological Foundations of Education

EDCE 20600

Observing Children and Their Development

Arts in Education

ART 15500

Art in Education


Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Intro to Computer Information Systems & Technologies

CSC 10000

Introduction to Programming and Computer Science

Fundamentals of Business Law

ECO 21450

Business Law

Introduction to Microeconomics

ECO 10250


ECO 10350

Principles of Microeconomics


Principles of Macroeconomics

Community Health

Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Introduction to Community Health

MED 11209

Primary Care

Techniques in Community Health Education

MED 22409

Population Health & Community Health Assessment

Computer Information Systems

Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title


MATH 19500


Programming I

CSC 10000

Introduction to Programming and Computer Science

Programming II

CSC 10300

Introduction to Computing for Majors


CSC 33600

Introduction to Database Systems

Computer Science

Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Calculus I/Analytic Geometry and Calculus I     

MATH 20100

Calculus I

Calculus II/Analytic Geometry and Calculus II     

MATH 21200

Calculus II

Discrete Mathematical Structures  

MATH 36500


CSC 10400

Elements of Combinatorics


Discrete Mathematical Structures I


Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Intro to Computer Information Systems & Technologies

CSC 10000

Introduction to Programming and Computer Science

Fundamentals of Business Law

ECO 21450

Business Law

Introduction to Microeconomics


Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECO 10250


ECO 10350

Principles of Microeconomics


Principles of Macroeconomics

Health Services Administration

Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Health Care Delivery

MED 32509

US Healthcare Systems & Policy

Introduction to Statistics

MATH 17300

Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Introduction to Psychology

PSY 10200

Applications of Psychology in the Modern World

Introduction to Microeconomics


Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECO 10250


ECO 10350

Principles of Microeconomics


Principles of Macroeconomics

At least one of these three:

Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology

BIO 24700 & 24800

Anatomy & Physiology I and II

Legal Issues in Healthcare


Introduction to Public Health

MED 11209

Introduction to Population Health & Community Oriented Primary Care

Nutrition and Food Studies

Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Fundamentals of Nutrition


Nutrition Across the Lifespan


Food and Culture


Public Health

Pathways Gateway Course

Corresponding Course at College

Course Prefix /Number

Course Title

Introduction to Health and Wellness


Introduction to Public Health

MED 11209

Introduction to Population Health & Community Oriented Primary Care

Introduction to Epidemiology

MED 22309

Fundamentals of Epidemiology & Biostatistics